We woke up this morning to find a very young squirrel on our balcony railing. We then brought Madison over to see him, but this turned out to be a bad idea.
The little squirrel got very scared and immediately started to cry and make whatever noise squirrels make; we thought he was calling for reinforcement. However, we soon figured that the little guy was scared for his life thinking Madison was going to attack at any minute. We then took her away from the window and put her in our room.
Eric then put some peanuts out on the deck for the squirrel to eat. It took him a while but he ventured over to the peanuts and had a nice big snack.
We are on the third floor of our building and there aren't any big trees close enough for a squirrel to jump to, so we were wondering how this little squirrel was going to get down. He wandered around the deck for a while, probably wondering the same thing. We eventually let Madison out of the bedroom and of course she ran right over to the window. We think this is what gave him the motivation he needed to scurry down the side of the building, because the next minute he was outta there!
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